Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 3 of 7 day cleanse

Day 3

I only took 3 pills last night since it seems to be strong for me. I took it right after dinner to so not on an empty stomach this time. No discomfort this time :D

The rest of yesterday I did not have a b. movement again. This morning I did, not watery but really soft.

I lost a little more weight! 128.0 now. So in 2 days I have lost 1 lb. And I'm eating normal too! Granted all I had yesterday was toast with egg whites and spinach, then half of a Kashi bar and trail mix while at work (which held me over fine!), then came home and pigged out on vegan chili with gluten-free vegan corn bread!! (I'm not vegan, but like to omit animal foods once in a while. It's healthier.)

So far, things are going well :) I can't wait to see my stomach after this! :D Now I'm off to drink some warm lemon water and lots of water, followed by homemade not-instant oatmeal with flax seeds and maple agave nectar!! :D

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